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bong types

How To Use A Dab Rig

For those who don’t know, a dab rig is a type of water pipe used to smoke cannabis concentrates. The rigs usually consist of a glass bong with a nail sticking out of the side. To use one, you heat the nail with a torch and then touch your concentrate to the hot nail. The …

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smoking joint together

Basic Weed Smoking Accessories

If you’re a weed smoker, you know that having the right accessories can make your smoking experience much better. Let’s talk about some of the most basic weed smoking accessories that everyone should have in their collection. Keep reading to learn more!

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Benefits Of A Bong

Oh, the bong, one of the most ancient of human devices, something that has been with us for thousands of years. And who could wonder why! But here is a reason that bongs are the most popular way to smoke, and it is those reasons that we are going to go over today.

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